HIRO Wallet Guide
How to swap COV Point to HIRO Token?
Step 1. COV Point to COV Token
1. Open HIRO Wallet App.
2. Touch CovToken and check your CovPoint.
3. Touch "Point Exchange" to start the exchange request.
4. Insert amount of CovPoint you want to swap to CovToken, then touch Next
5. Check the swap details below before proceeding.
6. Enter your password and confirm.
7. Your swap request has been sent and will be processed as soon as possible.
Step 2. COV Token to HIRO Token
1. Touch CovToken to start the exchange request.
2. In the CovToken menu, Touch Token Exchange.
4. Insert amount of CovToken you want to swap to HIRO Token, then touch Next
5. Check the swap details below before proceeding.
6. Enter your password and confirm.
7. Your swap request has been sent and will be processed as soon as possible.
8. You can review your swap history in History menu on the very right bottom.
Step 3. Send HIRO Token to MEXC Market
0. Get your MEXC account ready before you continue.(https://www.mexc.com/)
- You may create a deposit HIRO Wallet to MEXC for your convenience.
- Please follow tutorial provided by MEXC for more detail.
​※ HIRO Token is on DGC mainnet
1. Touch HiroToken to start the transfer request.
2. Touch Send to proceed.
3. Insert your wallet address
4. Insert the amount of HiroToken you want to send, and touch Next.
5. Check out the final details below before you confirm your transfer.
6. Your transfer request will be sent and completed as soon as possible.
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